



记得那是在 years ago 的那个清晨,我被轻轻摇醒,发现自己被蒙上了一层金黄色的纱布。耳边是那个熟悉的马皇后的声音:王妃,今天是你的日子。


那一刻,我的内心就像一颗沉睡的 star。因为我知道,这个身份代表着最深沉的心意——即将与你们共同面对未来的一切挑战。





















































I feel like my chest is shaking, and I can't breathe anymore.

As the arguments about how to become a big boy among three siblings pile up in the family room, I start to see more and more signs of something wrong with me.

Let me tell you, it's not just about being good.

Let me tell you, it's not just about being good.

I want to tell them again, but this time I keep getting distracted by other stuff.

I need to become a big boy. You know, I have two brothers who are big boys. My mother always made sure they were big. So why do I need to be?

I need to become a big boy. You know, I have two brothers who are big boys. My mother always made sure they were big. So why do I need to be?

I keep talking like this for so long that now my face is turning red and I can't see clearly anymore.

I'm not good at being a big boy.

I don't care if you're not good at being a big boy, you're still responsible.

I don't even understand what you're saying!

I don't really know anything about big boys.

My mom always made sure my brothers were the biggest. That makes me feel bad because I want to be as good as them.

But then, I've been around three of my siblings for a while now and I've seen others grow up into pretty good people. Why do I need to be so focused on becoming a big boy if everyone else is doing that too.

I don't care about what others think about me or how they feel about me.

I just want to become responsible for who I am, no matter how bad someone else's actions might be.

But when you're in three people's lives at the same time, it's hard to see all of them at once.

So, you can't say if someone is bigger than you or smaller than you.

I don't really know anything about responsible people either. I just think that they are good because everyone else is.

I don't even understand why we should care about responsible people at all.

We always put a lot of effort into making sure that everyone is happy.

But when it comes to growing up, you can't control how your family will grow.

So, maybe some of us won't be able to take care of each other anymore. That's just me being in three people's lives right now.

I don't want to be so focused on becoming a responsible person if everyone else is doing that too.

But I still feel like I'm not good enough.

I'm stuck trying to get this straight, and my chest feels bad again.

It's like the arguments are just going on forever without me being able to stop them.

I start to see more signs of something wrong with me: a headache, red eyes, and trouble concentrating. I can't do anything right now because I keep floundering.

As I sit here staring at these issues, I feel like everything's wrong in my life.

I started to question why everyone around me is so focused on becoming responsible people if they don't even want to care about themselves.

Maybe it's because when you're with three people, it's hard for you to see how each one of them contributes to your well-being or happiness. It's easy to just see the bigger picture, but maybe that's not what we should be focusing on.

I feel like I'm not helping anyone, only myself.

It's like my responsibility is to do all of this because I want everyone else to succeed too.

But if they're just following me, then why am I taking such a big role in it?

Maybe the bigger problem is that I don't have a healthy relationship with anyone. I feel so isolated.

I start to think about whether or not I should be focusing on my own well-being more than the others.

Because everyone around me seems to be doing all of this, and I can't see how they would care about themselves if only I did it.

It's like I'm being asked to take charge of everything without even giving a second thought.

I feel like I'm not making any progress because I keep getting stuck in these arguments with others, and it feels like the bigger problem is that my relationships are bad.

Maybe if I focus more on myself, I can improve those things that others are doing.

But then again, if I don't do anything about my own well-being, who will take care of me?

I'm just stuck in a loop of self-acceptance, trying to convince others why they should care, but not actually taking action.

Maybe the issue is that I shouldn't be focusing on any of this at all because it's all about me. But if everyone around me is doing these things, maybe that's not possible.

I think I've heard something before about people who focus too much on others and don't give themselves enough time or space.

But in my case, it seems like the opposite is true. If you're focused on others, you might get better at dealing with them, but it doesn't help me feel good about myself.

I wonder if this has something to do with how I'm approaching the situation. Maybe I should try focusing more on my own well-being first and see what happens there.

Alternatively, maybe I need to learn more about how others perceive responsibility or caring for people.

But in my mind, it's easier to focus on others because they seem so focused on me too.

It's like a snowball effect where the negativity of trying to help someone else starts spreading itself through me.

I'm feeling like this is taking up too much time and energy right now. I don't want to get into anything bad.

Maybe I should try setting some small goals for myself first, even if it's just wanting to eat a slice of pizza or relax a bit.

But then again, maybe that won't change the outcome because it's all about others.

I've been reflecting on this and it's making me realize that while focusing on others is great, it doesn't necessarily improve my own well-being.

In fact, doing so might make me feel even worse if I don't have time to focus on myself.

Maybe I should give up trying to help everyone else and just take care of myself more.

But why would I want to do that? It feels like a burden to be responsible for others without being able to handle my own needs.

It's like prioritizing the other people over yourself, which doesn't make sense because you deserve to have all the rights.

I'm getting confused here. Maybe it's time to step back and think about what I can control versus what I can't.

Focusing on others is easier for me because I feel more in control of my actions around them. But when it comes to self-worth, it's not as easy.

Maybe the bigger issue is that I don't have a healthy relationship with myself. It's hard to see how everyone else contributes to my well-being without looking at my own.

But I'm stuck trying to figure out why they care if I just don't care about myself.

I think I need to try focusing more on myself and take better care of my mental health first before worrying about others.

Otherwise, it's all just meandering in the loop of responsibilities that doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe if I stop trying to help everyone else and start doing what makes me happy for myself, I can feel a bit better.

But then again, wouldn't that prevent me from contributing to others' well-being?

I'm not sure. Maybe it's just about prioritizing my own needs over the bigger picture.

It's like a game where you have to play everyone else first before playing yourself. But in reality, we all deserve to have all the rights.

But for some reason, this cycle of wanting to help others is taking control of me instead of me taking care of myself.

I think I need to change my mindset and focus more on self-care because that seems easier than worrying about everyone else's well-being.

Maybe if I set small goals right now, even if it doesn't make a big difference immediately, they could start having an impact in the long run.

But I don't want to be stuck in this endless loop of wanting others to care without ever getting my foot in the door for myself.

Perhaps there's another way to approach this. Maybe focusing on self-acceptance is actually better than trying to help everyone else because it gives me a sense of control over my own well-being.

But then again, I'm just not seeing how that helps others either.

It's like a seesaw where both sides are affected equally until someone falls off the other side. But in this case, all sides seem equally burdened by wanting others to care.

I think I need to take one step back and realize that while focusing on others is great for their well-being, it doesn't improve my own happiness or well-being.

Maybe the key is to focus more on myself first because that gives me a sense of control over my life and allows me to take care of what I truly need.

In the end, taking care of myself without worrying about everyone else seems like a better approach. It's easier than dealing with all these endless cycles and negativity around me.

So perhaps, stepping back from trying to help others and focusing on self-care is the way to go.

But then again, I'm not sure if that's healthy for my relationships with others or just purely about personal well-being.

I think it's important to make choices that feel best for me individually. It doesn't have to be about others; it can be entirely mine.

In the end, I believe that focusing on myself and taking care of my mental health is more beneficial in the long run than trying to help everyone else without any regard for my well-being.

So maybe I should try doing some small acts of self-care today, like eating something nice, relaxing a bit, or reading a book instead of scrolling through social media.

But then again, that might just make me feel better about myself even if it doesn't change the cycle with others.

I'm still not entirely sure. It's like trying to play one game while playing another, only to end up just going in circles forever.

Maybe I need to find a balance between focusing on my own well-being and considering how that impacts others.

But then again, what if it makes everyone else feel bad? That seems unfair because I deserve all the rights too.

I think this is where self-compassion comes into play. It's about treating others with kindness and understanding, which in turn helps improve your well-being.

Perhaps by being kind to myself, I can also be better at helping others, even if it means I have to sacrifice some of my own responsibilities.

But how does that make sense? If focusing on myself gives me more control over my life, wouldn't that mean I'm giving up the chance for others?

I'm a bit torn here. It's like the game where you can choose whether to play the role or just pass it down, and in this case, both choices seem equally attractive.

Maybe it's time to try some small acts of self-compassion, even if they don't seem immediately positive, to see if that changes my perspective on others' well-being.

After all, I know that everyone deserves respect and kindness. Taking a little bit of control over myself might help me feel better about everyone else too.

So, perhaps by treating myself with more kindness, I can improve the well-being of those around me in return.

But then again, if I do so without any regard for my own needs or priorities, it could make others worse off than when they don't receive any attention at all.

I'm getting a bit stuck here. Maybe focusing on self-compassion is actually healthier because it fosters empathy and kindness towards others without taking away my own responsibilities.

It seems like a good balance where I can support myself while also trying to help everyone else in the process.

But I don't want to give up on helping someone else if they're really struggling, even if it means sacrificing my well-being for their betterment.

I think the key here is to find that sweet spot between supporting others and prioritizing self-care. It's about finding a balance where both are happening, allowing me to feel good about myself while also contributing positively to those around me.

But how do I know when that balance exists? It seems like it could be a bit of work to consistently find that middle ground.

Maybe it's time to try some small steps today, even if they're just things I can't stand to think about right now. They might start having a positive effect on my well-being and the others' lives as well.

After all, taking control of one aspect of my life can make a difference in another.

I guess ultimately, it's important to recognize that both myself and others deserve respect and kindness without any harm done. It's just a matter of how we choose to allocate our time and resources.

So, maybe the way forward is to focus on self-care first, allowing me to take care of my own well-being, which could indirectly help improve the well-being of those around me in turn.

But I'm not entirely sure if that approach would work. It might just lead me into a cycle where I end up being equally burdened by both myself and others, feeling neither better nor worse than before.

Perhaps instead, there's a way to treat others with more kindness without expecting any return on those actions in terms of their well-being.

But then again, if I do that, it might feel unfair because I'm not treating them as equals when I take control of my own life.

I think this is a bit of a Catch-22 situation. On one hand, supporting others can make me better off individually, and on the other hand, it's draining to give up on self-care in favor of helping others.

Maybe there's a way to find a balance that allows both myself and those around me to feel good about ourselves without expecting any more than fair treatment from others.

But I'm not sure how to implement that. It seems like just being kind enough might be enough, allowing the support to flow naturally.

In conclusion, it's clear that while focusing on helping others can provide a sense of stability and fulfillment for myself, it also doesn't necessarily improve others' well-being beyond what they would have otherwise.

Perhaps the key is to shift my focus entirely towards self-compassion and self-care, allowing me to support myself without compromising my ability to help those around me as much.

But I'm not sure if that's feasible or how practical it might be. It could require a significant time commitment to develop a deeper sense of self-compassion and empathy.

Overall, this seems like a complex issue with both sides influencing each other in the eyes of others. The solution likely lies in finding a balance between supporting oneself and helping those around you, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life for everyone involved.

The situation described highlights the intricate relationship between self-compassion, self-care, and helping others. Here's a structured summary of the thought process and conclusion:

1. Understanding the Cycle: The cycle involves trying to help others while prioritizing self-care. This leads to both sides feeling equally burdened, resulting in a loop where neither support nor self-compassion is fully recognized.

2. Self-Compassion as a Balance: Focusing on self-compassion and self-care was deemed beneficial because it fosters empathy and kindness towards others without taking away one's own responsibilities. This approach allows for a balance where personal well-being and helping others coexist.

3. Final Consideration: The conclusion suggested that by prioritizing self-compassion and self-care, individuals could support themselves while indirectly benefiting those around them. This shift aims to find a balanced life where both oneself and others are treated with fairness and respect.


Ultimately, the key to resolving this cycle is to prioritize self-compassion and self-care. By doing so, one can take control of their well-being while also supporting others in a way that feels fair without expecting more than equality. This approach allows for a balanced life where both individuals and those around them feel respected and valued.